In response to the environmental pollution and diminishing non-renewable natural resources, scrap metal recycling has become big business. As a result, one would be hard pressed to find a single shard of scrap aluminum, steel, tungsten carbide, or any other type of metal in landfill.
Whether you’re talking about old automobile frames, appliances, roofing, pipes, or any other kind of discarded commodity that contains substantial metal content, scrap metal is valuable enough that it is possible to sell scrap carbide, steel, aluminum, iron for significant profit. Just to show the current worth of scrap metal, recycling companies are willing to pay good money for scrap metal, and still be able to make a profit after they sell scrap carbide, aluminum, steel, or iron to industrial manufacturers.
Also referred to as cemented scrap carbide, tungsten carbide scrap is actually considered a precious metal. Thus, carbide scrap buyers will go to considerable lengths to get it, because they know high tungsten carbide scrap prices will allow them to make a pretty penny. The reason that companies is so in demand is not only do to the limited amount available, but because of the desirability of its physical properties.
Although tungsten carbide is sometimes used to make jewelry, unlike precious metals like gold, silver, and platinum, tungsten carbide scrap is valuable more for practical reasons than simply for the fact that it makes a nice looking set of earrings. For instance, tungsten carbide is actually stronger than steel, and has a higher density than titanium, which makes it ideal for fabricating into cutting and piercing tools.
That being said, tungsten carbide is a key component in industrial cutting tools, drill bits, armor piercing armory, and abrasives. In fact, the physical properties of tungsten carbide is so robust that it can only be finished and polished via diamond and cubic boron nitride — the two substances that are harder than tungsten carbide.
The typical going price paid by carbide recyclers is usually between five and ten dollars a pound. Since many people aren’t aware of the current carbide recycling prices, they will just end up throwing away their tools. Of course, between the curb and the landfill, someone will salvage discarded tools and they will end up being recycled.
As you’d might guess, the process of recycling tungsten carbide is highly involved, which could be one of the reasons that tungsten carbide prices are relatively high. Regardless, whether one buys or sell scrap carbide, at least it’s one more thing that we can save from the landfills.
Helpful info also found here: www.carbiderecycling.com
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