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Air conditioning installation, Air conditioning repair st petersburg, Air conditioning repair st. petersburg

What Kind of Monthly Service Does a HVAC Unit Need?

The proper maintenance of your ac heating and cooling unit and related components is important in more ways than saving money. It can actually be a health issue for those who live in or visit your home.
Over a period of time, dust, pollen, and other material can accumulate in a heating and ac ventilation system. These contaminants can create or worsen respiratory ailments, leading to breathing problems, headaches, and other conditions. Additionally, condensation within an HVAC system can lead to the development of molds, causing respiratory problems. Because of the way an air conditioner and ventilation system works, these contaminants could recirculate many times within the home.
Heating systems that use oil or gas power also represent a health hazard if not properly maintained. This is because a leak can introduce into the home carbon monoxide, which can be a life-threatening condition.
Such hazards are reasons enough to justify regular home air conditioning service, which should include a complete inspection and the changing of filters. Fortunately, products are available to keep the air inside your home clean and these should be considered at the time of ac and heating installation.

It is strange to think about air conditioning when you wake up to a temperature of three below zero and a windchill that makes it feel like 25 below, but the best homeowners understand that maintaining something as important as a HVAC system is a constant job, no matter the season. That is why many homeowners establish and stick to a regular maintenance schedule that includes periodically changing air filters as well as requesting twice a year visits from HVAC professionals.
Not surprisingly, heating and air conditioning units are expensive parts of your home, and the best way to protect that investment is through routine maintenance. These complicated systems can, however, become less efficient over time. Similar to computers, gas ovens, and clothing washers and dryers, even though a system is still working, does not mean that it is working efficiently. The best preventative approach is to rely on licensed professional to check for leaks and other signs that your HVAC unit is wasting energy.
In addition to wasting energy, an air conditioning unit that is not periodically checked by a reputable AC repair service can lead to worse problems. In fact, home safety statistics from the year 2010 indicate that air conditioning units, fans, or other related equipment were involved in nearly 7,500 home fires in America. Most regrettably, many of these fires may have been prevented by regular scheduled maintenance.
It is especially important to have an air conditioning service inspect an older system. Warranty studies show, for example, that replacing HVAC components that are more than 15 years old can result in energy savings. If there is an up side to finding out that a home heating or cooling system needs to be replaced, it is probably the improved efficiency of any new system.
For instance, switching to a HVAC unit that receives the top energy ratings, in conjunction with taking other measures in your home to keep your house cool, can produce energy savings that range anywhere from 20% to 50%. The secret of course is working with a reputable air conditioning repair service that will recommend the best cooling and heating units on the market, and not just the models that they sell.
Because of the very warm weather that places all over the U.S. experience, more than two of every three homes have air conditioners. These air conditioners are responsible for using nearly 5% of the electricity produced in this country. As a result, American homeowners spend a combined cost of $11 billion a year on these AC energies.
Looking at those numbers, it just make sense to complete regular maintenance on all parts of a home heating and cooling system all twelve months of the year.

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