With as busy as life gets and with all the pressures we face day in and day out, who doesn’t want to make their lives easier? While modern conveniences continue to change, expand and improve the way we do simple, everyday things, there are also many daily life hacks for the home that you can use in the comfort of your own house.
That’s right. From dealing with hair loss to pursuing goals in education to cooking and cleaning, there are plenty of daily life hacks for home that you can use all the time. In fact, you may not even be aware of some useful tips and tricks you can use in your own house right now.
You can find life hacks for just about anything these days, but let’s focus on daily life hacks for home in four major areas:
- Landscaping
- Eating and drinking
- Car maintenance
- Home Remodeling
It’s estimated that spending on home improvement projects jumped 14% just in 2017 and it’s a good bet that a great deal of that money is spent on landscaping projects. After all, when nice weather rolls around there’s so much to do to make the outside of your home sparkle, whether you’re planting flowers, planting a vegetable garden, mowing the lawn or pulling weeds.
As rewarding as having well-maintained yards can be for many homeowners, there’s no doubt that it takes a lot of work to make everything look immaculate. With these landscaping hacks, you can get your property in order much more efficiently:
Get A Tarp
Having a heavy-duty tarp or two as you work on landscaping projects is one of the best daily life hacks for home you can use. Why? Tarps are durable. Tarps are fantastic for transporting rocks, soil, leaves, and just about anything else you need to move. Tarps are also great for covering things up, whether you need to cover plants or materials or even a woodpile during the winter.
Use Cardboard In Gardening
If you’re looking to plant a garden of some sort on part of your lawn, cardboard can become just like soil. Rather than digging out a patch of grass for the garden, try this method: instead of digging up the grass, dig a channel around it, cover the grass with cardboard and then dump mulch on top of that before watering. Over time, the grass will die and merge with the cardboard, so you’ll have the perfect space to get your garden started.
Plant Seeds In Eggshells
If you’re planning on planting some seeds, you can easily get them started by planting them in eggshell halves. All you have to do is put soil in the eggshell, plant the seed in, and water it. Once it starts sprouting, you can easily transplant it by planting the eggshell in the ground since eggshells are packed full of nutrients.
Take Advantage Of Tree Stumps
If you’re got a tree stump sitting in your yard, your first inclination might be to remove it. But as any homeowner knows, this can be tedious and very time consuming to say nothing of the giant hole that’s left afterward. Rather than putting in all that effort, use the stump to your advantage. You can easily make it a stand for flower pots and find other ways to incorporate it into your garden.
Kill Weeds With Water
Nothing can frustrate a homeowner more than an out-of-control weed problem. While there are plenty of effective weed killers on the market, there’s a natural one that won’t cost you a dime: boiling water. By dumping hot water on weeds, they are killed instantly. This is a great way to eliminate pesky weeds in spots like patio joints or your driveway.
Eating And Drinking Hacks
Daily life hacks for home aren’t just limited to gardening or interior design. There are plenty of hacks you can use when you’re eating and drinking.
Alcohol hacks
There’s nothing wrong with drinking in moderation and there are many hacks you can use to enjoy some of your favorite drinks even more.
For instance, you can flavor vodka with sweet candy, like Skittles, for a fruity burst of flavor. You can filter and chill cheaper vodka to get a smoother taste.
If you’re trying to prevent a hangover before having a few drinks, you can prevent one by popping a multivitamin. Another way to ward off hangovers is to drink some milk before drinking alcohol since the milk helps absorb the alcohol.
If you’re trying to quickly get a beer or wine cold, you can speed up the process by wrapping bottles in wet paper towels and chilling them in the fridge for 15-20 minutes. Likewise, you can also chill cans by adding ice, water, and salt to a bucket of beer cans.
Eating hacks
Whether you’re prepping for a party or just trying to make your groceries, there are plenty of daily life hacks for home that you can use in the kitchen:
For fans of ice cream, you can skip waiting for ice cream to unthaw and save time by scooping ice cream into cupcake liners and then freezing the cupcake tin. This makes it easy to enjoy a small bowl of ice cream or a cone.
If you’re enjoying drinks on the patio, you can keep cupcake liners draped over your cups to successfully keep bugs away.
If you love sipping a cold glass of lemonade on a summer day, you can make sweeter lemonade by roasting halved lemons before you juice them.
For those who enjoy grilling up hot dogs, you can make them even better by using a knife to spiralize them before throwing them over the coals. This gives them more crispiness and allows more room for condiments.
Another easy grilling hack you can use is to wrap frozen French fries, cheese, and bacon in aluminum foil and throw it on the grill. It tastes delicious and can be the perfect complement to your hot dogs.
If you’re of cold drinks, you can pour just about anything into ice cube trays and freeze them including juice, soda, and beer.
Car maintenance hacks
For folks who are mechanically inclined, there are plenty of daily life hacks for home you can use in the garage when you’re working on your car. Whether you’re working on used cars, big SUVs or smaller cars, simple hacks can help you with everything from garage door installation to engine issues to cleaning up the inside and outside of your car.
No one likes getting dents in their cars, but you don’t always have to take them to a shop to get them hammered out. Instead, you can take a plunger and suction out dents that aren’t too severe.
You may know it, but sodas like Coca-Cola are perfect cleaners because of their acidity. This makes them ideal to remove any rust spots you see on your car.
If you notice your fabric car seats require cleaning, that can easily be done with a mix of dish soap, water, and washing soda.
For those who are looking to shine up their car’s exterior, a bottle of hair conditioner is just what you need.
Grime and buildup on headlights can easily be cleaned away with toothpaste.
Scratches to your car’s paint job can be easily mixed with nail polish that matches your car’s paint.
If you got a pipe that breaks under your car’s hood, one quick and short-term fix is to use a Pringles can and some duct tape for an easy patch. Again, this is a short-term fix until you can get to a shop.
One of the simplest, but arguably most important daily life hacks for home use you can make is to keep your keys on a simple keychain. Keeping a heavier key chain can wear on your ignition and you’ve probably seen occasional news items about ignition problems due to this very thing.
Home Remodeling Hacks
If you’re thinking about remodeling your home’s interior, there are a lot of good ideas and helpful tips that a home remodeling contractor can provide, especially for trickier parts of a remodel.
But there are also plenty of daily life hacks for home that you can use and that can help you save some money in the process:
Countertop Makeovers
If you’re looking to transform your countertops, perhaps in your bathroom, you can easily do so by using contact paper. If you’re not crazy about your countertop’s color or it’s old, using contact paper can give your countertop a fresh look. The key is to make sure it sticks as you’re going since it can be easily damaged if not properly maintained.
Fixing Fixtures
If you’re fixtures, such as those for your shower, are looking a little dated, you don’t need a lot of expensive plumbing work to remove and replace them. Instead, you can spray paint your fixtures for an instant upgrade. With a few basic tools—painter’s tape, sandpaper, primer and spray paint to name a few things—you can make your fixtures look good as new.
Adding More Storage
Even if you’re the most organized person in the world and your home is spic and span, who doesn’t need more storage space? That’s especially true when it comes to your kitchen. Fortunately, you can purchase easy-to-install shelves which can be used to store everything from cookware to cookbooks to extra spices.
Making A Charging Space
It’s hard to find any home these days that aren’t filled with electronics. Take a family of four for example with Mom, Dad, and two teenagers. That means there’s likely four phones, music players, tablets, gaming systems, smartwatches and other electronics that need charging.
One of the most creative daily life hacks for the home that you can do is to make your own charging station. Imagine how convenient it would be to open the French doors to your living room. You can make that happen with hooks, screws, and caddys, which you can easily attach to cabinets, walls, or anywhere else that’s convenient. No longer will you have to see kitchen counters and dressers littered with chargers.
Saving Money On Your A/C
In the summertime, everyone loves the cool feeling of air conditioning. But it usually comes at a cost and can run a family hundreds of dollars every summer. Fortunately, you don’t need air conditioning installations in every room of your house and many hacks can keep you cool and save you money.
One of the best daily life hacks for the home you can use is to open your windows and let the air in. If there’s a good breeze going outside, open the windows and let your home cool naturally. You can also close the blinds at night so that your home can capture cold air, especially in the morning.
You can also keep your home cool, as well as your bed, by sticking your sheets in the freezer for a few minutes. This will help keep you cool at night. You can also turn the air conditioning off at night and use a box fan to get the hot air out of your room. Of course, you can also use the tried-and-true method of putting ice in front of a fan to cool yourself too.
In Conclusion
Daily life hacks for the home not only make for a life less hectic, but they can also make things you thought were too hard much, much easier. From heating services to eating and drinking to car repair and car maintenance to interior design and landscaping, you can find hacks for just about anything.
With so many hacks available and new ones being discovered and shared all the time, you may just surprise yourself with what you can find to make your life easier. Maybe it’s a way to organize a messy closet or maybe it’s a way to restore a vintage sports car. No matter what aspect of life you’re dealing with, there’s likely a hack that can make things much easier and less frustrating.
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