When investing in new appliances, we expect them to last for years. If we use these appliances properly and have them routinely inspected, maintained, and repaired, they should remain in excellent working order throughout their warranty.
Whether an appliance continues to function past its warranty or not, we may still decide to purchase a replacement. Given the variety of brands, styles, as well as energy-efficient models, we may have been thinking about upgrading. Purchasing new appliances may also be on our list if we’re having our kitchen or laundry room remodeled or renovated.
Some of us may become attached to our appliances because they have served us well. There are, however, expert recommendations as to when we should replace specific appliances. If we’ve had our gas range oven for 15 years, for example, it may be time to replace it with a new oven. Even through 20% of dishwashers will break down within three or four years, they can last up to nine years before needing to be replaced.
Refrigerators should usually last 13 years. Some refrigerators with ice makers, however, tend to break down within three to four years. This seems to be the case regardless of whether or not these refrigerators have top or bottom freezers or are side-by-side refrigerator/freezer combinations.
Washing machines should usually last for ten years before needing to be replaced. Top-loading washing machines tend to last longer than front-loading ones, however. Approximately 25% of front-loading machines will usually break down over the course of three to four years. Gas and electric dryers usually last 13 years, especially when we regularly clean out the lint tray.
If we notice our oven, dishwasher, refrigerator, or washer and dryer aren’t working efficiently, it ‘s important to contact a repair service as soon as possible. In some cases, all that’s needed may be some routine maintenance and a new part or two. There may be other issues that need addressing, however. These may include the appliance being improperly installed or there could be issues with the wiring.
When we call for refrigerator, washing machine, or other types of repairs, it’s a great opportunity to learn more about how to take proper care of our appliances. If our washing machine breaks down on a regular basis, for example, it’s possible we’re overloading it. It could also be a sign that it’s time for a new one. In that case, our repair service will be able to make recommendations and discuss energy-efficient options.
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