Landscaping can add beauty and value to your home. Landscapes help to highlight a home with a serene or dramatic backdrop. Landscapers use trees, shrubs, plants and natural materials like bark dust, gravel and even ground sea shells to create striking outdoor spaces. Bark dust is an important and versatile material used in landscaping.
Landscaping adds beauty and value
Professional landscaping gives your home the kind of yard you’ve always dreamed of, with shade trees, shrubs and other plantings. Landscaping helps to create a serene or dramatic backdrop to your home. Professionally landscaped homes can fetch a better price on the market as well. It can add 14% of a home’s value to the sale price.
Unless you’re in a hurry to sell your home, creating striking landscapes can be a long game. Trees, shrubs and plants take a few years to take root and flower. When choosing plantings, you also want to keep in mind the seasons and plan for color through the growing season. Professional landscapers have years of experience with exactly these concerns, and are a good source of information.
A versatile landscape material
Barkdust is a versatile material used for landscaping, mulch, soil amendment and much more. Most people are familiar with the muted, attractive earth tones of mulch used in landscaping and in playgrounds. It can also be used for soil amendment, erosion control, weed and bug control and as a pant in medium.
Bark dust is made from the bark of trees, as the name suggests. It is used for decorative purposes by landscapers. The most widely used varieties are made from Douglas firs and the western hemlock. Bark dust made from firs is reddish-brown in color, while cedar and hemlock have tan-colored bark. It can be spread by hand, using rakes, but barkdust blowing is quicker.
Uses for bark dust
Barkdust is softer than earth, which is why it is often chosen as a ground cover for children’s playgrounds. It is typically spread to a thickness of 12 inches. For landscaping purposes, a thickness of two to three inches is sufficient. Gardeners use it to increase the acidity of soil for plants like hydrangea. It also acts as a natural herbicide and insecticide.
When used as mulch, barkdust protects plants and their roots by slowing down the evaporation of water, helping the soil to stay to moist. It also protects plant and trees roots from the cold in the winter. One application of bark dust usually lasts for two to for years.
Homeowners and professional landscapers use trees, plants and natural materials like bark dust to create dramatic landscapes. Professional landscaping adds both beauty and value to a home, by creating a striking backdrop.
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