One of the nicest things about furniture is the ability to switch it around or change it up altogether. Furniture in a given room dictates a certain mood and sets a tone. Modern style furniture pieces and accessories project a stylish edge to home decor and can also be a reflection of your personality.
Modern furniture designers will no doubt be keeping their eyes on interior trends in 2015 as the year unfolds, but here’s a list of things we’re already seeing:
Stylistic Fusion
The need to stick with one period, pattern or upholstery has given way to a mix and match craze that says (almost) anything goes. Things that feel as if they go together as an expression of your design perception make for an eye-catching surprise in every room. To accommodate this, modern furniture designers have supplied us with pieces the celebrate organic shapes, curvy lines and natural colors.
Found, Natural Materials
From all sorts of salvaged wood pieces, both stained and naturally colored, to funky metals and stones, inviting nature inside and making use of discarded items is big these days.
Use of Color
Natural room colors are back, along with soft pastels. This allows modern furniture designers the freedom to produce work that is highly functional but soft-toned and interestingly shaped, allowing bold, colorful accessories to really rule a room.
Organic Themes
Green, green, and more green. Vertical gardens, indoor water fixtures, nature-inspired patterns. As a culture, we’re embracing nature and reflecting that with some of our decorative choices.
Refurbished, re-purposed, individual secondhand pieces add accents to a room, but they can also be the inspiration for the rest of the room and thereby used as centerpieces. Let whatever inspires you lead the way, don’t let old rules hold you back.
Don’t forget that inexpensive modern furniture can also be very cool modern furniture. While it’s always fantastic to be able to spend on some key pieces, don’t let a tight budget make you feel left out in the cold. With the accent on nature, found items, and fusion, you can make your interior happen frugally.
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