Are you in a new house or apartment in Washington? Do you need contemporary furniture DC? If so, you are buying into a rich industry worth $63 billion last year, and that is growing after the slump in new home furniture sales following the latest recession. You are looking for the best of contemporary furniture DC.
Modern furniture dc is actually from a rather old tradition, but marked radical equality from past experiences. The first furniture to be called modern came from the 19th century, when modernist influences shaped early Bauhaus and American Arts and Crafts furniture. All modernism came with a love of democracy. Chairs, one only for the high born in medieval times, replaced stools and perches for the masses.
If you buy a dwelling in the capital of the democratic world, should you not add a democratic flair with DC contemporary furniture? Contemporary furniture DC shows your guests that you are equal to other citizens, and yet retains the stylishness and elegance you expect from city living. Dc modern furniture stores, such as Theodores, can help you chose how to best express your democratic self.
So if you are new to the DC area, and want to strengthen democracy, buy contemporary furniture DC. Contemporary furniture DC not only provides stimulus to hard working furniture makers, but also has a decidedly democratic streak. When you enjoy comfort once reserved for nobility, you will be grateful your dwelling has contemporary furniture DC for all to enjoy.
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