It’s the latest in handicapped showers, and it’s a hybrid: a self-standing walk in tub. They look like deep seated cubicles with a refrigerator door, and they’re a new sensation in handicapped bathroom solutions.
Originally developed by a company called Aging Safely Baths, these self-standing, premium hydrotherapy walk in tubs allow for open area installation, which changes the way that people have had to think about accommodating similar appliances in their home up until now. Aging Safely Baths specializes in wheelchair accessible handicap showers, and their new free standing design comes with an option for a front step on either the 32″ x 38″ model or the 27″ x 39″ one.
The new tubs are designed with attractive, finished edges that are a complement to the look of a bathroom, but the real beauty of the product is in the way that it promotes a simpler and easier means for folks to bathe that may otherwise have trouble accessing the tub. For folks that are disabled or elderly, bathing can be fraught with challenges, and the fear or ensuing anxiety can actually keep someone from taking proper care of their hygiene, which has it’s own health risks.
Aging Safely says that these new self standing walk in bath tubs are available for both commercial locations as well as residential homes, and several of them are ADA compliant. Additionally, they can be made to order with a removable ramp for wheelchairs.
Customers are welcome to order from Aging Safely Baths independently, but having a consultation with a contractor who has experience purchasing bathroom equipment might be wise. In many cases, no cost shipping is offered, and the company makes a variety of products that can assist in creating safer handicapped showers — safety bars, bath lifts, transfer tuns and more. Call a contractor today and see if they can help you choose the best stand-alone walk-in tub for your living space!
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