Construction doesn’t take nearly as long as it used to. You can see this everywhere you go.
You have cafes and restaurants being crafted in refurbished shipping containers on the fly. You have apartment complexes and hotels alike being crafted on eco-friendly materials that support customers and the environment. To put things plainly, it’s a great time to be working in architecture. Staying ahead of the pack is just a matter of looking at the same old thing in a new light. Concrete form construction is one such way of doing so.
Designed to be flexible across several industries without sacrificing quality, ICF blocks are constructing the future piece by piece. Let’s take a look at how they work and the benefits you can help spread by adopting green building materials into your mindset.
Out with the old, in with the new. Green building materials are fast becoming the new norm in the United States. Customers don’t want to spend their money on companies that contribute to environmental harm. Likewise, businesses are eager to bring in more consistent revenue without spending too much. Concrete form construction is the very definition of meeting in the middle — eco-friendly and efficient, you can enjoy a wide variety of benefits with a simple switch.
The first and most obvious benefit is the environmental aspect. Custom concrete forms slash into many common building materials with a more finite, rickety shelf life — think bricks, wood, various metals, cement, and plaster. Due to their more specific parameters they also take up a lot less space than conventional methods. When crafting ICF walls just one row is constructed at a time, with end blocks cut to fit in order to reduce waste. You can already imagine how much money this saves.
More and more evidence is rolling in of the superiority of insulated concrete forms over conventional methods and materials. ICF construction, according to a recent study, costs around 40% less than traditional basement construction due to the reduced number of steps. ICF systems are able to cut final costs on a property by nearly $1 per square foot. The very first foam concrete was patented by Werner Gregori, a Canadian contractor. Since the 1960’s we’ve enjoyed this construction method, but only recently is it starting to surge into normalcy.
The benefits don’t end there. You don’t have to sacrifice a single thing when you switch to ICF blocks — studies have shown ICF buildings are between six and nine times stronger than traditional buildings. On top of that they’re also incredibly competent on the energy conservation front. According to a recent study by the U.S. Department Of Housing And Urban Development ICF walls are able to save homeowners 20% on annual heating costs. Concrete form construction may have some decades to the title, but it’s truly the way of the future.
Switching to insulated concrete means switching to more money and more benefits now. Compared to concrete flooring, your average ICF decking weighs around 40% less while providing more insulation than average. Overall concrete form construction costs nearly 50% less than traditional techniques while remaining just as sturdy and reliable. ICF construction is able to protect properties from natural disasters, to boot, and can stand firm against 400 kph winds. From high performance to low costs, you invest in a promise with ICF materials.
Step up to the plate in 2019. Invest in ICF products that invest in you and your future.
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