If you’ve been thinking about getting a dog, then you probably already have an idea of what a big responsibility it can be. You’re going to have to give that pet a forever home, and that may mean making some adjustments to your home and yard. Here are just a few of the things you’ll need to do in order to prepare your home for a new dog. (But don’t forget the treats and chew toys. They’re just as important.)
Get a fence – Being able to let your dog outside means having reliable fencing. There are lots of different fence types you can choose from, but the best fence for a dog is a chain link fence. These fences allow the coverage needed to make sure a dog can’t wiggle through the slats, like they could with other fencing. A chain link fence can even increase your home’s market value. It’s a win for everybody.
Protect your furniture – If your house is predominately carpet, and you don’t want to spend your days constantly scrubbing them, it may not be a wise idea to add a puppy to the family. Making sure that you’ve got the right flooring to withstand a few accidents will save you a lot of time and trouble in the future, and will make more time for you to play fetch and rub his tummy, because he’s a good boy.
Think of the children – When your house has small children around, you may want to hold off on introducing a new dog. Kids can be easily frightened by animals, and may not know how to treat a puppy. If you’re adopting an adult dog, it may not do well with kids, and you never want to be in a position where you have to give your new pet away. Be prepared, and consider all factors before adding a new dog to your family.
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